
The Beige


The Beige is a luxury tent resort in the lush environs of Angkor Wat.

© The Beige: Enjoy Angkor Wat all of your own


Ensconced in a region replete with UNESCO World Heritage Sites like Angkor Wat, this resort evokes a feel for the finest of Khmer history. In a completely private setting, enjoy an Angkor all of your own. “The BEIGE” tent does not use vinyl chloride or petroleum products at all, it is knitted with organic material. The fabric of the tent is made of the same material as the sail of the yacht, it does not stretch when it receives the wind, it has the characteristic that it is still light without breaking. The open space without walls and partitions is soft and windy, allowing you to spend a pleasant time in a comfortable distance with nature.


The firespace is where you can see the Siem Reap River. The landscape is that the forest is brightly colored in the sunset. There, you spend time to stay and relax around the fireplace.


$$$ Expensive


To enjoy your stay in harmony with nature, we offer a facility toward that purpose. Its immaculate presentation is characteristic of an intimate hotel. With food meticulously prepared for a taste of the local climes and a floating forest pool where time disappears, you will feel one with nature here.

Specialized & focus

About the Hotel

What’s “THE BEIGE”? What does it represent? Should we pitch our reasonable services? or special facilities? It’s not our main focus to create, organize and rent facilities for affordable prices. There is more to “THE BEIGE”. The core value of “THE BEIGE” is love and connection. We treat our customers as our important family members. We want to bring joy to our customers, making them feel a little happier. Hoping it will lead them to have a better life and eventually affect the people around them. That’s our hope and belief. Bringing joy to the people in our presence is our happiness.
That’s what “THE BEIGE” does. It touches our souls. “THE BEIGE” exists for this reason.
Copyright © The Beige


The Beige
Svay Chek Road, Svay Chek Commune, Angkor Thom,
Siem Reap

© The Beige: Enjoy Angkor Wat all of your own